Mark Warnes Photography

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Yellowstone Reports Feb 11th 2020-Dan Hartman’s

No trip to Yellowstone is complete without visiting Dan and Cindy Hartman is Silverton. Today we spent the day with them at their garden hide watching the birds and Pine Martins, part of possibly the worlds most famous Martin family, having appeared on BBC Planet Earth and various other TV shows.

Dan and Cindy are both wildlife photographers who live and work in Yellowstone and have both been widely published and have assisted on numerous nature TV shows with BBC and Nat Geo.

Dan is now venturing into making his own nature documentaries which he very kindly showed us as part of the film includes the birds we photographed with him last year in the aspen groves of the Beartooth mountains.

Steller’s Jay

White breasted Nuthatch

Pine Grosbeak, male

Pine Grosbeak, female

Female Hairy Woodpecker

Clarkes Nutcracker

Mountain Chickadee

White breasted Nuthatch

Red Squirrel

Hairy woodpecker

Pine Martin

Pine Martin

Pine Martin

Pine Martin